Reef Glider Drone
While studying abroad in Ecuador in the Summer of 2016, I had the privilege to visit The Universidad San Francisco de Quito on San Cristobal Island. There, I volunteered sorting plastic fragments that researchers were collecting around The Galapagos, many of which had travelled thousands of miles from neighboring countries.
This left me wondering how to improve the collection of field data for this ecological research.
That's where the Reef Glider comes in.
Plastic Pollution is Everywhere
That’s how much of the ocean humans have explored. There is so much area that we do not have stable documentation of.
We need to map more areas in order to better understand where and how plastic debris affects ocean ecosystems.
The estimated number of ocean life affected by plastic pollution either through entanglement, ingestion, or rafting - which is when invasive species ride on floatsam.
The impact of plastic debris on ocean life is already statistically significant, but there is still little data for most other marine species.
That’s how many millions of tons of plastic estimated to enter the worlds’ oceans each year. This number is likely larger due to poor data sets.
With so much plastic entering the oceans, it is tough for researchers to keep up with the influx given limited time, budgets, and staff.

Our Customers
Thoughtful Usage
As a recent team member, I want to make sure that the drone itself is safe while I operate it so that I know I am collecting data efficiently.
Customized + Accessible
As a person who needs large data sets, I want this to be accessible and customizable so that more scientists may use it
Socially Productive
As an up-and-coming researcher, I want to produce as much data as I can that can be easily sharable, publicly and privately.
Their Main Goals
Be time efficient
Customize their content
Fast On-boarding
Be supported, secure, and connected
Interface Design
Practicality Prioritized
The core ability for the drone to operate properly and for the user to
operate the drone successfully are the 1º focus of my interface.
If the drone cannot function on a basic level, none of the other
services are available to the user.
Highest Priority
Drone Health
Wifi Status
Location + Orientation
Camera Sensors
Drone Controls
Data Collected
Autopilot/Low Power Mode
External Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Oxygen Composition, Acidity, Volatile Chemicals
Video Recording
Time of Day
Lowest Priority
Data Sharing
Video Streaming
App Layout Customization
The Controls
Marine Exploration Application
This drone will be controlled by a tablet application that the pilot interacts with safely from land.
Every log-in to the drone’s interface will be password protected for each user profile, providing extra security for each researchers’ data.
Data Collection
Infrared cameras detect plastic in the environment and focuses the drone’s sensors towards all plastic objects. The video may be streamed using wifi-enabled buoys that follow the drone underwater.
Default Exploration
Information sits on the outskirts, allowing the video to be the focal point. Users use thumb-enabled motion control to pilot the drone.
Error State
If the drone experiences a malfunction that jeopardizes the integrity of its essential functions, the autopilot will lock in and redirect the drone back to the surface charging buoy for retrieval.
Why a Tablet?
Tablets are widespread to the point that many researchers are familiar with how to operate and interact with a touchscreen tablet. Video games have shown great promise for the potential of people to use tablet as controls for another entity, like a drone. Below are visual examples of that touchscreen control applied in the real world.
Several modern underwater drones already employ remote-control technology, some with touchscreens and other with joysticks.
Interface Breakdown
Onboarding Screen
A Reef Glider Logo
B Area where the typed password will display
C keyboard
D Settings
E Create New Account
Analysis Screen
A Settings
B Wifi
C Headlights Brightness
D Record/Live Stream
E Data Collected
F Environmental Levels
G Depth of Drone
H True North
I Speed of Drone
J Return to floating charger buoy
K Autopilot
E Typographic Map
Error Screen
A Blocked Out Settings
B Wifi
C Headlight Brightness
D Record/Live Stream
E Data Collected
F Environmental Levels
G Danger Message
H Depth of Drone
I True North
J Speed of Drone
K Return to floating charger buoy
L Autopilot
M Typographic Map
Behind the Design
The Reef Glider moves with the help of fans positioned perpendicular to each other on either side, on top of, and at its back.
The perpendicular placement of these fans allows for 360º movement.
A Camera Lens
B Headlights
C Fans
D Magnetic Charging Strip
The drone camera include various types of cameras designed to detect plastic, volatile chemicals, motion, depth, and sound.
Containing the Electronics
The brains of the drone are kept in a plastic container lined with an oiled rubber band and screwed together inside of another plastic container to make sure the pressure is consistent and the air dry for the electronics to operate optimally under the immense pressure of the sea.